JOSEF KEMPER - Law and Notary Office is located in the Municipal Council Building at 63 Ha Odem Street, Shoham, Israel.
The firm specializes in Commercial - Civil Law, specifically in the fields of Real Estate Law, Israeli and International Corporate Laws, Contract Law and provides Notary Services.
The firm provides legal advice and services to individuals, private companies and publicly traded companies.
Academic degrees and Professional Certification
Member of the Venezuelan Bar since 1987
Member of the Israel Bar Association since 1994
Certified Notary in Israel since 1998
LL.B in Law from the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Caracas, Venezuela- 1984
M.A in Political Science with Honors from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel- 1987
Diploma in Extrajudicial and Notary Laws from the Pablo de Olavide University in Sevilla, Spain - 2017
Real Estate Laws
Israeli and International Corporate Laws
Contracts Law
Expert Visas for overseas companies or for Israeli clients
An expert on Venezuelan laws, prepares legal opinions as required by Israeli laws, for the obtention of both Inheritance and other Court Orders
Notarial translations
Certification of true copies
Authentication of Powers of Attorney
Notarized affidavits
Notarial travel authorizations for minors
Prenuptial agreement approval
Notarial wills and testaments
Notarized Life Certificates